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PostgreSQL List Users, Databases, Schemas, Tables

To find the list of users, databases, schemas, or tables, the meta-commands like “\du”, “\l”, “\dn”, and “\dt” are used, respectively.

PostgreSQL: Basic psql Commands

psql is a command-line interface used to perform various database tasks efficiently. For instance, using psql different commands can be executed to access, create, delete, or update a database, table, schema, etc.


In Postgres, the TRUNCATE TABLE command only removes the table’s data and preserves the table’s structure. While the DROP TABLE command drops the table’s data and structure permanently.

What Does PostgreSQL regexp_matches() Function Do?

regexp_matches() function takes in the string and the regular expression to be matched as an argument along with an optional flag and returns the first matched substring from the main string.

How to Install and Setup PostgreSQL on Debian 12

Use the “sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib” command to install PostgreSQL from Debian 12’s default repository.

How to Describe Database Objects in PostgreSQL From psql

In Postgres, the meta-commands like “\d”, “\dt”, “\dv”, “\ds”, and “\df” are used to describe relations, tables, views, sequences, and functions, respectively.

How to Create Database Objects in PostgreSQL Using CREATE Command

A database object is an entity defined in a database and is used to store or reference data. In Postgres, database objects are created using the CREATE command.

How to Use ARRAY_UPPER() Function in PostgreSQL

The ARRAY_UPPER() function in PostgreSQL returns the upper bound of the array dimension or the highest index of an array.

How to convert JSONB to a record using jsonb_to_record in PostgreSQL

The Postgres jsonb_to_record() function takes a top-level JSONB object, converts it into a table record/row, and returns it.

PostgreSQL json_populate_record() Function

The json_populate_record() function in Postgres converts the JSON object into a data row. It populates the table record from the JSON object.