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On The Flip Side

A Podcast Focused on Professional Development

Welcome to "On the Flip Side," a podcast from two 30-something entrepreneurs on complete opposite sides of the country, opinions, and fashion trends. In an effort to continuously learn and see how diverse opinions can come together, we've assigned ourselves some reading.


The On the Flip Side podcast reflects the opinions and experiences of the hosts, based on their interpretation of the source documents. The use of source documents is covered by the Fair Use Principles found in Section 107 of the Copyright Act:

Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports.

On the Flip Side is in no way affiliated with the authors of the reviewed books.

For more information on Section 107 of the Copyright Act, please visit

Where to listen:


Wed, December 20 2023
Burnout Episode Eight: Grow Mighty

Welcome to On the Flip Side, where we're taking on chapter eight of Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. Listen in as we name the "madwoman in the attic," hone-in on self compassion, and finally discuss the "cure" to burnout. Hint: It may not be what you think.

Wed, December 13 2023
Burnout Episode Seven: What Makes You Stronger

Welcome to On the Flip Side, where we're taking on chapter seven of Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. Listen in as we discuss rest: Why is it necessary? How much do we need and what counts as "resting"? Perhaps most importantly, we address the misconception that rest is "lazy."

Wed, December 06 2023
Burnout Episode Six: Connect

Welcome to On the Flip Side, where we're taking on chapter six of Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. Listen in as we discuss identity, connection, and why the Bubble of Love is the environment that fuels your immune response.

Wed, November 29 2023
Burnout Episode Five: The Bikini Industrial Complex

Welcome to On the Flip Side, where we're taking on chapter five of Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. Listen in as we discuss the bikini industrial complex, explore what healthy actually looks like, and pinpoint who the real enemy is.

Wed, November 15 2023
Burnout Episode Four: The Game is Rigged

Welcome to On the Flip Side, where we're taking on chapter four of Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. Listen in as we discuss how to use science to beat learned helplessness, gaslighting, and the patriarchy (and no, it's not what you're thinking).

Wed, November 08 2023
Burnout Episode Three: Meaning

Welcome to On the Flip Side, where we're taking on chapter three of Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. Listen in as we discuss "want songs," finding meaning, and answering the call of your something larger.

Thu, October 26 2023
Burnout Episode Two: #Persist

Welcome to episode two of On the Flip Side, where we're taking on chapter two of Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. Listen in as we discuss your brain's monitor, redefining winning, and remembering that success isn't necessarily a win/lose proposition.

Thu, October 19 2023
Burnout Episode One: Complete the Cycle

We're back, y'all! Welcome to episode one of our new series on the game-changing book, Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD and Amelia Nagoski, DMA. There's no better way to introduce this book than to share the opening line: “This is a book for any woman who has felt overwhelmed and exhausted by everything she has to do, and yet still worried she was not doing ‘enough.’ Which is every woman we know - including us.” Listen in as we discuss the science of stress, Human Giver Syndrome, and the importance of finishing the stress cycle.

Thu, May 04 2023
Episode Eight: Our Take

Welcome to the eighth and final episode of On the Flip Side, the show where two 30-something entrepreneurs dissect all things Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. We've spent the last seven episodes breaking down the book's concepts, but this one is a little different: We share our honest feedback and how we're applying the book's key learnings. Listen in as we discuss the value of timeless content, meeting people where they are, and our lives as a body of work.

Tue, April 18 2023
Episode Seven: Sharpening the Saw

Welcome to the seventh episode of On the Flip Side, the show where two 30-something entrepreneurs dissect all things Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Listen in as we discuss eating a whale one bite at a time, how “there are no small things,” and why we must continually rededicate ourselves to sharpening the saw.

Fri, April 07 2023
Episode Six: Synergize


Welcome to the sixth episode of On The Flip Side, the show where we dissect all things 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Listen in as we discuss synergy within [and without] the brain, the value of differences, and why many politicians should probably reread this chapter.

Thu, March 30 2023
Episode Five: Seek First to Understand, and then to be Understood

Welcome to the fifth episode of On The Flip Side, the show where we dissect all things 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Listen in as we discuss different types of listening, the vulnerability inherent to effective communication, and why diagnosis must always come before prescription.

Wed, March 15 2023
Episode Four: Think Win/Win

Welcome to the fourth episode of On The Flip Side, the show where we dissect all things 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Listen in as we discuss maintaining emotional bank accounts, the problem with apologizing when you've done nothing wrong, and why there doesn't have to be a loser for there to be a winner.

Mon, March 06 2023
Episode Three: Putting First Things First

Welcome to the third episode of On The Flip Side, the show where we dissect all things 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Listen in as we dive into putting first things first by brushing your teeth, prioritizing integrity, and determining urgency vs. importance.

Thu, February 23 2023
Episode Two: Begin with the End in Mind

Welcome to the second episode of On The Flip Side, the show where we dissect all things 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Listen in as we do as Stephen Covey would have us do: Begin with the end in mind.

Thu, February 16 2023
Episode One: Be Proactive

Welcome to the first episode of On The Flip Side, the show where we dissect all things 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Listen in as we discuss paradigms, principles, worldviews, and how these factors affect your relationship with yourself and others.

Wed, February 08 2023
Introducing: On the Flip Side

Welcome to "On the Flip Side," a podcast from two 30-something entrepreneurs. In an effort to continuously learn, we've assigned ourselves some reading. 

Join us for season one, where we explore Steven R. Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," apply it to our own careers, and occasionally push back when the math doesn't add up.

Editor's note: Since recording, Amanda was promoted to CEO at Command Prompt.