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Pay it Forward

Where were you the first time you were told to “pay it forward?” Were you the recipient of someone else’s good deed, or did a friend or mentor help you out of a pickle? Paying it forward is a fascinating concept with far reaching effects. According to’s Pop Culture Dictionary, Paying it Forward is defined as “an expression for when the recipient of an act of kindness …

The COVID-19 Pivot: An Opportunity for Reflection

As we get more immersed in our careers and lifestyles, we get comfortable. And when we’re comfortable, we avoid tasks outside of our wheelhouse like the plague (or pandemic). Yes, we grow and we learn, but we love to stay in our field; our realm of comfort, our box. Generally speaking, we can stay where we want, but with the changes of 2020, the question for many people has now …

Recognizing and Developing Emotional Intelligence

There are many ways to define intelligence, and the most commonly accepted definition being in relation to facts, figures, and reasoning. This leaves out the emotional, interpersonal, or social aspects of intelligence, known as the Emotional Intelligence Quotient, or EQ. According to Merriam-Webster, intelligence is defined as:

  1. the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : REASON also: the skilled use of reason …

Keys to moving forward in your life and career - making the leap to uncomfortable

Finding the right path when trying to move forward with your career can be challenging. From the difficult subject of compensation increases, to knowing when you are ready to move up in a role, to refining the skill set you have; there are many stepping stones that have to be put in place in order to successfully move forward in your career. In this article series I provide tips as …

Keys to Moving Forward In Your Life and Career - Get Out of Your Own Way

Finding the right path when trying to move forward with your career can be challenging. From the difficult subject of compensation increases, to knowing when you are ready to move up in a role, to refining the skill set you have, to truly understanding what your boss expects of you; there are many stepping stones that have to be put in place and in the right sequence in order to …