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You have landed at the largest single source of Postgres education blogs in the world. At Command Prompt, we believe deeply that the education of the community is critical to the continued success of Postgres and related technologies. We hope you find content you are looking for and don't hesitate to Contact us today for all your Postgres and Open Source consulting and support needs.

How to Create a Copy of a Database in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, use the CREATE DATABASE command along with the “WITH TEMPLATE” parameter to copy or clone a database.

PostgreSQL Conditional Expressions - Explained With Examples

In PostgreSQL, conditional expressions are used to select one of the multiple values based on the Boolean condition.

How to Query JSON Column in Postgres

Postgres supports a couple of native JSON operators to query the data from a JSON column. These operators include a short arrow “->” and a long arrow “->>”.

PostgreSQL CASE Statement - Explained With Examples

The CASE statement is one of the conditional expressions that is used to create conditional queries. Postgres supports two forms of the CASE statement: A Searched CASE and a simple CASE.

PostgreSQL Not equal to (!=) Operator

The NOT EQUAL operator is one of the comparison operators that check if the input values are equal or not. It is symbolized as “!=” or “<>”.

How to Convert Timestamp to Date in PostgreSQL

Postgres offers various ways to convert a TIMESTAMP to a DATE, such as TO_CHAR() function, CAST operator, EXTRACT function, etc.

How to Get the Unix Timestamp in PostgreSQL

To get the Unix Timestamp in PostgreSQL, the EXTRACT() and DATE_PART() functions are used with the EPOCH argument.

How to Query Arrays in PostgreSQL

To query the ARRAY data in Postgres, the SELECT statement is used. Postgres allows us to query the data of an entire array or a specific array index.

How to Query Date and Time in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, different built-in functions are used along with the SELECT statement to query date and time. This blog post explained how to query date and time in Postgres using suitable examples.

PostgreSQL DELETE USING Statement - Drop Duplicate Rows

In Postgres, the COUNT() function finds duplicate records. While the “DELETE USING” statement drops the duplicates.