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How to Use Escape Single Quotes in PostgreSQL

Create a table in PostgreSQL with a field to store data in text format. Insert data in it to insert single quotes using multiple methods offered by the platform.

How to Query JSONB Array of Objects in PostgreSQL

To query a JSONB array of objects in PostgreSQL, create a table with a JSONB data type column and expand it to an array format to apply queries on it.

How to Create A Pivot Table in PostgreSQL

To create a pivot table, the user can either use the crosstab function or the CASE statement. Create a tablefunc extension to use the crosstab function.

JSON Vs JSONB in PostgreSQL: What is the Difference?

JSON is the data type to store data in the form of text and JSONB stores data in the binary format to improve the retrieval of the data from the PostgreSQL database.

Can a Temporary Table Have the Same Name as a Permanent Table in PostgreSQL?

In Postgres, a temporary table can have the same name as a permanent table. However, database experts recommend the use of distinct names to avoid ambiguity.

How to Explicitly Drop a TEMPORARY Table in Postgres

In PostgreSQL, the temporary tables can be explicitly dropped/removed by executing the DROP TABLE command following the temporary table’s name.

How to Deallocate a Prepared Statement in PostgreSQL

Use the DEALLOCATE command followed by the name of the prepared statement to explicitly Deallocate a Prepared Statement in PostgreSQL.

How to Get List of Running Queries in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides a system view named pg_stat_activity that retrieves information about the currently running queries and active sessions on the database server.

How the PREPARE Statement Works in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the PREPARE statement creates a prepared statement that can be utilized repeatedly. It allows us to execute the command with different values.

How to Install and Set Up Docker PostgreSQL Environment

To install the Docker PostgreSQL environment, install Docker on the system from the official link. After that, pull the Postgres image from Docker Hub using the “docker pull postgres”.