Managing pg_hba.conf With Ansible

pg_hba.conf is perhaps one of the easiest to understand configuration files in PostgreSQL. Its syntax is straightforward, the concept seems to resemble that of any popular IP filter or ACL mechanism in various software packages. pg_hba.conf is also well documented, like the rest of PostgreSQL, and we love it because it lets us do what we want without getting in our way. What else could we possibly ask of it?

Perhaps, it can be a bit of a nuisance when for you pg_hba.conf means not just one file but many. You may have a dozen read-only standbys and your infrastructure is expanding -- a good sign that you're probably all the rage on the market -- so at one point you may realize you need to modify pg_hba.conf contents and introduce some changes.

Well, there a number of ways to do that, and if it is just one line that needs to be added, or edited, it is very tempting to just go ahead and do it. Manually. However, what we often forget blinded by this illusion of simplicity of a task at hand is the hidden extra toll of additional actions that need to be carried out. Like reloading PostgreSQL to apply changes made in pg_hba.conf. And thus the amount of manual labor has just doubled, and if you made a mistake, even a teeny tiny typo, you might need to do it again and the word would be then quadrupled and it would most likely come with a bonus of some frustration in the air that usually accompanies broken illusions.

We at Command Prompt, Inc. have been increasingly relying on ansible to solve this very problem. And we would like to give you an idea about how empowering this rookie of configuration management can be. If you have never heard of ansible before, think chef or puppet. It is similar, but in many ways a different beast.

Ansible can be used to do all sorts of things. For example, we successfully deployed backups software for one of our customers, distributed SSH public key to configure access without a password to a dozen of hosts (all under 15 minutes including writing a playbook to do this), installed unattended-upgrades and manage its configuration files and a blacklist, deployed various in-house custom reports scripts that require distribution of executables, configuration files and cron jobs, applied SQL files to PostgreSQL DB, automated bulk of tedious work when deploying a monitoring system, continuously update and deploy a base toolset that we use on all servers that we own or manage (tools like sar, atop, molly-guard, tree, etc.) and so on.

It is typically run in two modes: playbooks and ad-hoc. Playbooks are just (YAML) files that have a list of tasks that are run in successive order. Much like what happens in a BASH script. Ad-hoc mode is a way to call ansible to run just one task at a time directly on your terminal's command line. Combined they are incredibly useful not only for massive and rapid deployment, but also in day-to-day work of a system administrator.

And as a system administrator or DBA, you can actually update your pg_hba.conf (or a slew of them) with a touch of one command. Perhaps one of the best things about using ansible and having actual playbooks is that they can be run against your inventory of hosts (yeah, ansible parlance) again, and again, which in effect means that you can always ensure that your current, actual configuration is exactly what it was initially intended to be as expressed in a playbook (in configuration management club this is usually talked about as configuration drift and idempotency).

So, let's take a look at this default pg_hba.conf in PostgreSQL 9.1 on Ubuntu Server 12.04 Precise:

$ sudo grep "^[a-z]" /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
[sudo] password for admin: 
local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             all                                     peer
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

Suppose we want to add a new entry for a host at, and apply this change to bazillion of hosts (yes, ansible is actually aware of this number and is fully capable of handling it).

So, this is our new pg_hba.conf line

host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust

Now we need a playbook with a task that will add this new line to pg_hba.conf. Before we create one, we need to make sure that all hosts where we want to see the change happen are in ansible hosts inventory file, /etc/ansible/hosts.

In our example it is a very simple one:



We are going to connect to allhosts, which is a name of a group of hosts with just one hostname in it -- precise. In fact, it is the same host where we are going to run ansible from.

It is a good practice to run ansible from a control machine to SSH into managed nodes, i.e. the control machine is a separate system. In practice, you will probably end up managing the control machine too and thus need to SSH into it as well.

Therefore in our example we're going to SSH into the same machine where ansible is run from, which will serve as an illustration that all you need to get started with ansible is a single, modest virtual machine.

Anyway, allhosts could be also a very long list of hostnames, e.g.


So, with inventory all set, we can now write the playbook. Playbooks are YAML files and thus YAML syntax is something to have a good command of.

Ansible is extremely flexible in various ways, and that is why there are no strict rules about how your playbooks should be organized. We usually find the following layout most convenient to work with

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ tree
|-- file
|-- setup
    |-- configure.yml
|-- templates
|-- vars
    |-- general.yml

4 directories, 2 files

file/ is used for executables, binaries and all manner of files that need to be copied over to managed nodes.

setup/ contains playbooks

templates/ is where we keep template files

vars/ is used to hold special purpose playbooks that are used in essence as configuration files to separate variables apart from tasks (you'll see in a minute how this can be useful).

So, here it is. You're looking at what technically speaking is called incorrectly here a pg_hba.conf playbook. To get our terminology straight, each file in setup/ is actually called a playbook, and the multitude of YAML files found in such directory tree is referred to as a collection of playbooks.

Now, let's take a closer look at vars/general.yml


# General
sys_usr: admin
sudo_user: postgres

# Miscellaneous
pg_hba_conf: /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

It has three variables:

sys_usr: sets a username that is used to connect to managed nodes and to run tasks as sudo_user: is what user we want to run a task as via sudo on a managed node

and finally

pg_hba_conf: is a location of pg_hba.conf file

In our example we are going to get a little fancy and have ansible edit pg_hba.conf as postgres user, by logging into the managed node -- precise -- and modifying pg_hba.conf as postgres via sudo.

So, let's take a look at the most interesting and useful playbook file.

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ cat setup/configure.yml 
# An example playbook to configure pg_hba.conf file 

- hosts: allhosts
   - ../vars/general.yml
  user: $sys_usr
  sudo_user: $sudo_user

   # Adding a new line
   - lineinfile: dest=$pg_hba_conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^#sIPv4slocal.+" line="host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust"

We say here that

  • we want to connect to each host in host group allhosts and run all tasks on each of those hosts
  • that our variables file is vars/general.yml
  • that we want to log in as $sys_usr
  • and then run tasks via sudo as $sudo_user

Then we list our tasks. There is just one task that uses this monstrous looking thing that is called lineinfile: module. This mess of symbols says "Add new line as defined by line= after an existing line that starts with '# IPv4 local' text".

I chose this particular example not to scare our readers but to try to clarify how this module that has this not so intuitive syntax, but is otherwise useful, works; because in all honesty, when I first encountered it I think spent many hours of futile attempts to just understand how to use it.

Anyway, we'll talk more about lineinfile: a bit later. For now, just try to read what it says and you may notice that it uses regular expressions (Python flavor), and of course it gives you a headache. I understand, but it also is a great tool for making one line changes in configuration files that are not managed completely by ansible via templates.

Alright, let's see some magic at work.

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible-playbook setup/configure.yml -kK
SSH password: 
sudo password [defaults to SSH password]: 

PLAY [allhosts] *************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: [precise]

TASK: [lineinfile dest=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^#sIPv4slocal.+" line="host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust"] ***
changed: [precise]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
precise                    : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

I am personally a bit paranoid when it comes to security. I admit it, but I also know that our internal wiki has a very eloquent statement in regards to what may ensue should we as a team manage to screw up our customers environment. Just for the record, we are never abused here at CMD, only loved. We are all very friendly and positive people, and still, even though it is very convenient to rely on SSH keys to get into systems without having to enter a password, when it comes to ansible I choose to consciously type in a password each time I run a playbook. Especially, when the numbers of systems involved are large. Call it self-inflicted torture, but I'd rather think twice before letting ansible cause damage at the speed of the bullets flying out of a machine gun.

That being said, to run an ansible playbook you run ansible-playbook command by telling it what playbook file you want it to process. While -k and -K indicate that you want to be asked for user: and sudo_user: passwords respectively.

Once the passwords have been entered and submitted, ansible does its usual routine: it tries to SSH into allhosts, in our case just one but could be a bunch, gather some facts about a system that actually bubble up into a playbook and can be later used to uniquely identify your systems. This allows to apply some logical conditions, or decide to skip certain tasks for some of the hosts, or even types of systems. It then proceeds by announcing what task is going to be played and follows up immediately after that with results: either success, failure or nothing has been changed (ah, idempotency!). A play summary report is also shown in the end to indicate how many tasks resulted in what state, whether any of the hosts were unreachable during the attempted play and whether there were any failures.

In this case our task was successfully run, so let's see what happened to pg_hba.conf

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ sudo grep "^[a-z]" /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
[sudo] password for admin: 
local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             all                                     peer
host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

Alright, we just added a new line. Here's a truncated version of the pg_hba.conf that shows that the line was added indeed after one that started with "# IPv4 local"

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust
host    all             all               md5

Let's run the same playbook again and see what happens:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible-playbook setup/configure.yml -kK
SSH password: 
sudo password [defaults to SSH password]: 

PLAY [allhosts] *************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: [precise]

TASK: [lineinfile dest=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^#sIPv4slocal.+" line="host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust"] ***
ok: [precise]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
precise                    : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0 

Nothing changed. This is expected and is a good thing. Here you see idempotency in action (shouldn't I say inaction instead?). In other words when the changes that are expressed by a sum of playbook tasks are already in place, ansible will not needlessly try to apply them again. If this new line that we have just added disappeared, or were edited in some fashion, just run the playbook against this host one more time and ansible will either re-add the line, or add a new one respectively (leaving modified line intact; read more on this behavior below).

To illustrate what is going to happen here I changed the line in pg_hba.conf that we had added in a previous run of the playbook, and then I ran it again. This is the result:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ sudo grep "^[a-z]" /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             all                                     peer
host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust
xhost    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

As our line was tampered with, and because of how our lineinfile: task's regexp is written, a new line was added again but the old, now modified line was left intact.

Alright let's clean up pg_hba.conf of these two new lines and do something else with the help of lineinfile: module, namely change an existing line.

We will build on our example by adding a new task.

# An example playbook to manage pg_hba.conf file 

- hosts: allhosts
   - ../vars/general.yml
  user: $sys_usr
  sudo_user: $sudo_user

   # Adding a new line
   - lineinfile: dest=$pg_hba_conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^#sIPv4slocal.+" line="host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust"

   # Replacing an existing line
   - lineinfile: dest=$pg_hba_conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons.+" line="host    all             cmd_nagios_mon            trust"

Save the file, run the playbook. Here's the result:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible-playbook setup/configure.yml -kK
SSH password: 
sudo password [defaults to SSH password]: 

PLAY [allhosts] *************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: [precise]

TASK: [lineinfile dest=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^#sIPv4slocal.+" line="host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust"] ***
changed: [precise]

TASK: [lineinfile dest=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons.+" line="host    all             cmd_nagios_mon            trust"] ***
changed: [precise]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
precise                    : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ sudo grep "^[a-z]" /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             all                                     peer
host    all             cmd_nagios_mon            trust
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

Wonderful, the line was first added as in our first example, then the username on this same line was changed from cmd_zabbix_mon to cmd_nagios_mon. In fact, we replaced an entire line, and that's how one should think about line editing with lineinfile: module. Needless to say, this could be done to any part of pg_hba.conf.

And there you have it, two most frequent uses of lineinfile: module: adding a new line and replacing (or editing) an existing one.

If it seems a bit confusing and hard to swallow, it actually kind of is. Regardless, here's a little something to help you, an outline of the path to mastery with lineinfile: module.

First and foremost, know specifics of Python regular expressions. Then know thy enemy.

Here are the essentials.

To insert a new line your regexp= and line= must match, and insertafter= must indicate a line after which you want your new line to appear. Subsequent runs will not make any further changes if a line already exists. If a line does not exist, a new line will be added. How you define if a line exists is irrelevant, understand how lineinfile: defines your reality.

If regexp= and insertafter= match and the line they describe exists it will be replaced with line=. Subsequent runs will not make any further changes. If a line you match does not exist no changes will be made.

Note: However, if regexp= is empty last line of your file will be replaced with line=, or it may well be some other unexpected place! Bottom line is, be extra cautious when working with lineinfile: unless you're confident beyond any shadow of a doubt and you know exactly what changes will happen. It's a tricky one to work with, so test multiple times in your lab before you use lineinfile: tasks in production environment.

lineinfile: is great -- because it is the only module that performs line editing so far? -- to edit just one line at a time, but let's face it, sometimes its syntax may be really confusing. Especially when your lines are a full of funky characters that need escaping. It is still worth the effort to learn how to use it, because I could testify that it proved very helpful in numerous instances of my work as system administrator.

With that in mind, there are less confusing ways to manage your pg_hba.conf with ansible.

Still, a very attentive reader may have noticed that we never reloaded PostgreSQL configuration and thus all the changes to pg_hba.conf have not taken effect yet.

You have an idea about the playbook mode now. Let's reload PostgreSQL configuration by running ansible in ad-hoc mode.

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible allhosts -m service -a "name=postgresql state=reloaded" -kK
SSH password: 
sudo password [defaults to SSH password]: 
precise | success >> {
    "changed": true, 
    "name": "postgresql", 
    "state": "stopped"

That was nice and easy, wasn't it? The syntax is very simple:

* we already know what allhosts is for
* -m service says that we are going to use module named service
* -a is used to pass parameters to the service module
* name= and state= and the service module parameters
* -k and -K ask us for our credentials

Note that we reloaded PostgreSQL as root via sudo. Unless a different sudo user is specified on command line or a sudo_user: variable is used when using a playbook, ansible assumes that you want to run commands as root. In other words, this is default sudo command behavior.

Ad-hoc mode is often something we use in a new environment where we set up ansible. One of the things it helps to do is gather some facts about the systems we are going to manage. For example, for the purposes of being able to refer to any of the managed hosts in playbooks by their hostname, and then taking actions based on the knowledge of what hosts ansible is currently running tasks on, one of the first things that we do is establishing how ansible sees the managed hosts hostnames. In practice, we learned, they may differ from what you might expect solely from the contents of /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, or BIND configuration (it really depends on how well your systems are configured).

To that end we use setup module. Its purpose is to gather facts about hosts and print them on stdout:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible allhosts -m setup -k |grep fqdn
SSH password: 
        "ansible_fqdn": "precise.localdomain",

Here we just selected to show only FQDN. Toss out grep and re-run the command to see a complete list of facts for your host(s).

In ad-hoc mode you can do other, more general yet equally useful things. For example, see if a user is in /etc/sudoers file on all hosts:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible allhosts -m command -a "grep ansible /etc/sudoers" -kK
SSH password: 
sudo password [defaults to SSH password]: 
precise | success | rc=0 >>
ansiblemgr ALL=(ALL) ALL

or check if your managed nodes can still, or already, be logged in:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible allhosts -m ping -k
SSH password: 
precise | success >> {
    "changed": false, 
    "ping": "pong"

And should you wish to reload PostgreSQL configuration from a playbook, just add the following extra task to the end of our example playbook:

   # Reload PostgreSQL configuration
   - service: name=postgresql state=reloaded

Save the file, re-run the playbook. Assuming pg_hba.conf was not previously modified, the results thus would be like this:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible-playbook setup/configure.yml -kK
SSH password: 
sudo password [defaults to SSH password]: 

PLAY [allhosts] *************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: [precise]

TASK: [lineinfile dest=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^#sIPv4slocal.+" line="host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon            trust"] ***
changed: [precise]

TASK: [lineinfile dest=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf regexp="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons+$" insertafter="^hosts+alls+cmd_zabbix_mons.+" line="host    all             cmd_nagios_mon            trust"] ***
changed: [precise]

TASK: [service name=postgresql state=reloaded] ******************************** 
changed: [precise]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
precise                    : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0

You may want to be looking at PostgreSQL log file when running playbook this time, just to make sure you see if SIGHUP was indeed sent to the service:

2013-11-14 07:16:17 PST LOG:  received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files

Now, for the final piece of our ansible discussion let's talk about what I mentioned several minutes ago. Arguably, the easier and less messy way to manage pg_hba.conf. That is, by way of using templates.

Ansible leverages Jinja2 templating engine. That said, it is very easy to learn how to use it by example. We are going to create another playbook to deploy our new, template based pg_hba.conf.

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ cp setup/configure.yml setup/deploy.yml

After some editing we come up with this

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ cat setup/deploy.yml 
# An example playbook to deploy pg_hba.conf file 

- hosts: allhosts
   - ../vars/general.yml
  user: $sys_usr

   # Deploying a template
   - template: src=../templates/pg_hba.conf.j2 dest=$inst_dir/pg_hba.conf owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0640

   # Reload PostgreSQL configuration
   - service: name=postgresql state=reloaded

Let's break it down:

* no sudo_user: this time, we do everything as root via sudo call
* template: module takes our template file pg_hba.conf.j2 and after some processing produces a resulting pg_hba.conf in $inst_dir, which is defined in vars/general.yml. It also sets ownership and access permissions to postgres.postgres and 0640 respectively.

Here's how the vars/general.yml looks like now

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ cat vars/general.yml 

# General
sys_usr: admin

# Miscellaneous
pg_hba_conf: /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
inst_dir: /etc/postgresql/9.1/main

And after that we create a template for pg_hba.conf

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ cp /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf templates/pg_hba.conf.j2

Copying a file and using it unmodified would be enough to create a template. You could go ahead with just this template and deploy to as many hosts as you need. Sometimes this approach is useful, but more often than not you will want slightly different pg_hba.conf files on different hosts. Sometimes, perhaps, you will want your pg_hba.conf to be very different on many hosts. At that point you may be better off using several templates to avoid unnecessary complexity and to continue to maintain ease of readability of each individual template file.

So, after some editing our example pg_hba.conf.j2 template looks like this. This is a truncated version. As you've just seen we used stock pg_hba.conf to create initial version of a template file, and thus anything that appears before the listed below truncated part of template code remains unmodified.


# If you change this first entry you will need to make sure that the
# database superuser can access the database using some other method.
# Noninteractive access to all databases is required during automatic
# maintenance (custom daily cronjobs, replication, and similar tasks).
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local   all             postgres                                peer

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections:

{% if ansible_fqdn == "precise.localdomain" or ansible_fqdn == "venus.localdomain" %}
host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon          trust

{% elif asible_fqdn == "" %}
host    all             johnson               md5

{%elif ansible_fqdn == "" %}
host    all             blackfox                 ident

{% else %}
host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon          md5
{% endif %}

host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#local   replication     postgres                                peer

Our template is a bit fancy. It makes use of ansible facts (ansible_fqdn) and it has some conditional statements that will add a specific pg_hba.conf entry depending on where (what host) this template is being deployed to.

Thus, precise.localdomain and venus.localdomain are going to get this line:

host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon          trust

and this one

host    all             blackfox                 ident

If the ansible_fqdn fact does not match any of the hostnames specified a default choice of

host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon          md5

is going to be applied.

You could go as far as use variables from vars/general.yml (and any other facts that are gathered prior to execution of playbook tasks) in a template. They would get expanded and make your template even more powerful.

Now, let's run this new playbook. And before we do so, lets delete pg_hba.conf to simulate a situation where a pg_hba.conf has been lost, but PostgreSQL is still running just fine, safely keeping a cached version of the configuration file in its memory. It would be an imminent problem on the next service restart, but not if became aware of the problem in a timely manner and then ran our new playbook before PostgreSQL had to be restarted:

admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ls -lah /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 4.5K Nov 14 08:26 /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ sudo rm /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ date
Thu Nov 14 08:30:58 PST 2013
admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ansible-playbook setup/deploy.yml -kK
SSH password: 
sudo password [defaults to SSH password]: 

PLAY [allhosts] *************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: [precise]

TASK: [template src=../templates/pg_hba.conf.j2 dest=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0640] *** 
changed: [precise]

TASK: [service name=postgresql state=reloaded] ******************************** 
changed: [precise]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
precise                    : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0
admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ ls -lah /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf 
-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 4.5K Nov 14 08:31 /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
admin@precise:~/CMD/svn/ansible-tests/pg_hba.conf$ sudo grep "^[a-z]" /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf 
local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             all                                     peer
host    all             cmd_zabbix_mon          trust
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

As you can see pg_hba.conf was first removed and then recreated, and an appropriate entry for precise.localdomain host added while all the others within {% if %} ... {% endif %} conditional statement were ignored. Had there been more hosts online in my test lab, they all would've received a tailored version of pg_hba.conf according to the configuration of our template.

This approach is easier on the eyes, less error prone, offers a lot more flexibility and allows you to tailor pg_hba.conf for many systems simultaneously using just one template file.

Not only that, in a lot of cases ansible playbooks become a centrally managed configuration pool for various pieces of our infrastructure, with the added benefit of having an extra backup copy of the configs that prove useful not only in emergency when a configuration file is lost but even when we need to evaluate the existing configuration. Incredibly useful when you can look at all of the configs at once in just one file.

Now, for the final touch, if you were to deploy this template in an environment that runs a mix of systems (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu Server, Debian GNU/Linux, etc. ) and you wanted to make changes only on hosts of a certain type, you can easily do so by adding an extra line to this example playbook:

   # Deploying a template
   - template: src=../templates/pg_hba.conf.j2 dest=$inst_dir/pg_hba.conf owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0640
     when: ansible_distribution == "Debian" or ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"

Here ansible_distribution is an ansible fact, much like ansible_fqdn that we used in the pg_hba.conf template file, and as you've seen by now they can be used in various places.

And this concludes our today's discussion about ansible as a tool to help you manage your PostgreSQL configurations. Much more could be said about it, this is truly just the tip of the iceberg. However, this should be able to help you see how you could be managing your PostgreSQL configurations more effectively.

As I stated in the opening paragraphs we have been increasingly relying on ansible to do all sorts of things, so if you're asking yourself if you could start managing something with ansible, the answer is that you most probably can.