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PgWest 2010: Call for Papers

PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Decision Makers, End Users and Developers, is being held at the St. Francis, Westin Hotel in San Francisco from November 2nd through 4th 2010. Submit your talk.

Time line:

July 14th: Talk submission opens Sept 5th: Talk submission closes Sept 10th: Speaker notification
This year we will be continuing our trend of covering the entire PostgreSQL ecosystem. We would like to see talks …

PostgreSQL High Availability options

PostgreSQL is widely accepted as the most scalable and stable Open Source database in the industry. It is also known to hold its own against any of the proprietary databases as well. There are a plethora of High Availability options available for every workload and business requirement. Below is a brief listing of the common High Availability options for PostgreSQL. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it …

Scala... really?

I am not writing this to jump all over Big Jim's post but after reading it and seeing the syntax of Scala (and Java), I can't help but wonder, why anyone would use either language (based on syntax). Yes I know it is a matter of taste and everyone has an opinion. Let's just say my taste lean toward more succinct code.
# Set up initial work
# …

PostgreSQL 7.4, 8.0 and 8.1 END OF LIFE

If you are running any version of PostgreSQL 7.4, 8.0 or 8.1, it is now time to upgrade to 8.3 or 8.4. The versions 7.4 and 8.0 are slated for end of life at the end of this month. The 8.1 version is slated for end of life in November. This is not an item to take lightly. Once a version is end of life you will not be able …

WHERE bing = 't'

I was on #postgresql today and someone asked an interesting question: (edited for readability)
I'm trying to write a constraint for a table. The constraint should check for unique-ness of two columns, one string and one boolean. However I have special logic, I can have only one row with a given string and true attribute. I can have multiple rows with the same string but with false attribute. For example, …

Entering 9 days of PostgreSQL Dimension

On the 6th, I leave town, travelling again to an unknown land. A land of mystery, a land of great mobster movies and incredible picture opportunities. Of course, I speak of Chicago where I will be delivering a 5 day training on our illustrious database, PostgreSQL. After the 5 day training, I will be taking a short jaunt to South East Linux Fest where I will be speaking on PostgreSQL …

Ubuntu LTS 10.04 is here! Well not really but I thought I would sound excited.

I am an avid Ubuntu user. I like their philosophy. I like their code of conduct. I like what they are trying to do with Linux as a whole. I invite everyone to use Ubuntu. Unfortunately I have been unable to upgrade from Karmic. Why? Well, update-manager -d doesn't work because of some error with ubunut-minimal which (yes I researched it) was supposedly fixed, but it isn't. Yay!

I figured, …

Off to Linux Fest Northwest

The great folks of Linux Fest Nortwest are hosting a PostgreSQL Track again this year. I will be speaking twice. First on what has ended up being a very popular utility, PITRTools. My second talk will be on Dumb Simple PostgreSQL Performance, which has been very popular with user groups. I look forward to seeing everyone again.

PgEast... over and an exciting announcement from the .Org infrastructure team

So PgEast is over. You wouldn't know it yet by looking at the website, but it is. We maxed out at ~ 160 people. That is an almost 2x increase over last year at East. It is also a significant increase over West last October. This is an exciting time for this conference series.

The trainings were also successful, I had 19 (of a max 20) show for my Performance …

14 days... and the Hotel is almost full for PostgreSQL Conference East

I called the our hotel representative today because I was confused about why we had a deadline of 03/11 on the room discount. I was trying to push them to extend the date because we had met our room quota and I was wondering why they were trying to shut down the discount. Apparently, not only have we met our room quota, but the hotel is reaching capacity!

If you …