PostgreSQL at SCALE day 2
It's the second day of the Southern California Linux Expo (well third, but second for PostgreSQL) and things are looking good so far. When walking the floor yesterday I was greeted by the pleasant surprise a customer,(Randr) has a booth at the show. I am glad to see that their Open Source business (based on PostgreSQL of course) is doing so well. Selena made a great PostgreSQL Conference flyer yesterday. I am not sure why we didn't think about that before. Great work Selena it looks excellent (we printed it in color of course). I also spent a lot of time speaking with Dru of BSD Certification fame as well as a gentlemen from LPI. They are very interested in the PostgreSQL Certification efforts that we have launched. Dru has offered to help in any way that she can which I am greatly appreciative of. We are going to need a lot of community support to make sure the project gets off the ground in a successful way. One of the items that I have taken note of at the show is the community. SCALE has a different style of community user. We have met a lot of people who are using PostgreSQL or want to use PostgreSQL but they are not DBAs or developers. They are usually system administrators or of a integrator ilk. It has been great reaching out to an even more diverse level of community. Foresight Linux has a booth. Foresight is one of the projects that I had been talking to about becoming and affiliated project for SPI. Unfortunately for SPI they have decided to go with the Software Conservancy. I am glad to see that they finally decided on a non profit to help them. Foresight Linux is an up and coming distribution of Linux that has a strong (if small) and vibrant community. Good luck guys!